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  • Desktop PC

    Lenovo 30600i

    storageMemory capacity 4GBHard disk capacity 1TThe memory capacity of 2GBBasic parametersBrand Lenovo/ AssociationVideo card type independent development card

    • Model: 30600i


    Memory capacity 4GB

    Hard disk capacity 1T

    The memory capacity of 2GB

    Basic parameters

    Brand Lenovo/ Association

    Video card type independent development card


    Memory capacity 4GB

    Hard disk capacity 1T

    The memory capacity of 2GB

    Basic parameters

    Brand Lenovo/ Association

    Video card type independent development card


    Display type wide screen LED

    Other attributes

    Suitable brand Intel/ Intel

    Memory type other /other

    7200 rotation of hard disk speed

    Optical drive type DVD-ROM

    After-sale service in China

    1 computer mainframe

    1 pieces of power adapter

    1 pieces of display

    Introductory guide (three package vouchers) 1

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